Almost 12 percent of the world's population is hungry. One person in eight on the planet goes to bed hungry each night. Who go hungry either do not have money to purchase it or land to grow food. but the fact is the world produces enough food supply to feed the entire world. So why does hunger is still exist?
According to WFP (World Food Programme), there are 6 main reasons why approximately 842 million people suffer from hunger worldwide. They are poverty trap, lack of investment in agriculture, climate and weather, war and displacement, unstable markets, food wastage. But poverty is the number one cause of world hunger.
The World Bank estimates that 10.7 percent of the world’s population lived on less than $1.90 per day in 2013. this makes them can't afford nutritious food for their families and themselves. The effects can be long-lasting. Children who are chronically malnourished often grow up to be adults whose incomes are lower.
War and conflicts consistently disrupt food production. Millions of people forces to flee their homes. More than 50 million people living in 17 conflict-ridden countries are in severe food insecurity. In war, food sometimes becomes a weapon. Soldiers will starve opponents into submission by seizing or destroying food and livestock and systematically wrecking local markets. Meanwhile in Syria, 8.7 million people or 37 percent of the pre-conflict population need urgent food, nutrition and livelihoods assistance in particular aid to farmers.
World hunger is one of the most difficult problem to solve. There are so many theories on how we can really end the world hunger. Some of them have been effective and others not. But the world hunger statistics show that great progress has been made towards reducing it. The efforts of many nations and organizations are playing the important role.
What can we do to end the world hunger? well i can't tell you exactly how. But one thing for sure is that we just do something about it. Share your thoughts and supports to stop world hunger using social media.
There is marvellous power when each of us are motivated to get involved. And this power can be increased through the Internet and social media. We need to explore these new communications tools to build a community to fight the world hunger. just Start with small steps. Because small steps can lead to big changes.